Tuesday, November 28, 2006


大家大概不会忘记,1996 年州选前,人联主席黄顺开医生筹划并主持开幕了属于人联党的联合学院。当时,在首席部长白先生的见证下,一个数额为1千万元的人联教育基金产生了。捐献者及赞助人有:

(a) 拿督许如衡 (答应并真正出了一百万)
(b) 丹斯里张晓卿 (答应并真正出了一百万)
(c) 拿督许如泉 (答应并真正出了一百万)
(d) KTS (由已故拿督刘会干代表) (答应了一百万但真正缴上20万)
(e) 丹斯理林鹏寿 (答应一百万后竟一毛不拔)





到了2002年,在KTS 的赞助下,联合学院的校园才得以落成。在开幕典礼上,联合学院正式成了KTS-黄氏资产,开幕仪式的贵宾,除了KTS 的刘氏外其他人联的领袖一个也没被邀出席。可悲的是,一手提拔顺舸的黄顺开医生,还被蒙在鼓里,当从报上看到开幕礼的照片时,方知顺舸已把人联为人民拼教育的联合学院占为已有,这是他勾结KTS的明证!

党的资产和努力,可以在短短两三年内就私营化,把人联的东西改姓黄。这种人如果做了“党主席”,做了副首席部长,做了华人最高领导,那还得了?!把人联党,华社... 交给他管,行吗?!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sibu Shame: Wong Soon Koh, Robert Lau

Posted by Sibu People

I wonder how many peole have really read this website and be able to find out some truth about Wong Soon Koh, Robert Lau and Chua Beng Seng. The Sibu Youth is being made use by Robert Lau. Robert promised them some cash incentive and travelling allowance, to return the favour to shoot anyone they intended to hurt and demolish. But the fact, in Sibu, we let this gangster type of politicans to run the show, it is only a shame to Chinese and even whole of Sarawak. While they only dare to shoot own Chinese but never dare to stand up and rebuke against what UMNO youth Hisamdduim holding the kris issue. Sibu youth under Robert Lau and Wong Soon Koh, and Alan Sim group dare not to stand up to say something against what was just concluded the UMNO Convention. When the 3 speakers using incendiary and with hideous message to "calling to kill the enemy in the boodshed", why as Chinese, no want dare to stand up and say hi, where are now? It is because of some financial incentives being given and motivated to do so. When we let the barbaric and low moral type of leaders to lead in any organisation, the contempt and self-respect will be fizzle off. It is rather sad who dare to call them to relinquish thier posts and do something more valuable for the community and the Party?